Date of Inauguration1992
GovernorateBatinah North
Total sqm28.4 million
Number of sqm rented11,2 million
Investable Area (sqm)15 million
Rent1 RO per m2 annually. Common Area Maintenance service is provided
Number of Investment391
IndustriesMarble, paper recycling, foodstuffs, detergents, leather, furniture, toothpaste, beverages, ice cream, resins, glass, steel bars, and engine oil.
Activities of the industrial complexes
Multiple Industries
Food Industries
Plastic Industries
Advantages of Suhar Industrial City
Proximity to consumer markets and commercial centers
Proximity to international companies located in Sohar Port
Availability of residential buildings for workers/families
Availability of warehouses
Transportation network
Proximity to international schools and private universities
Heavy vehicle repair workshops
Proximity to UAE markets
Nearest Roads and Logistics Land Ports
Al Batinah Expressway
Suhar port
Suhar International Airport
* Statistics the First Quarter of the Year 2023